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"Just Girls": A Series About Us, is an in depth analysis on how girls react to things in their everyday lives.


As girls, we often overthink things. We over analyze in order to protect ourselves from getting hurt, or to find that gleam of happiness. We think too much, often staying up late thinking of our problems or our insecurities that aren’t even there. It’s almost like there is a constant war or battle taking place in our minds.


Think of that time when you went through your rebellious phase. Whether it was sneaking out, going against your parents, or turning to who knows what. All because it gave us that feeling. That feeling of being understood, accepted, and free from what our world defines as the norm. The world is remade through the power of fierce women performing outrageous acts of creative rebellion.


The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it. Anything worth having is definitely something worth waiting for.

“Body Image”

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a women being unapologetically herself. Comfortable and in love with her perfect imperfections. This is the true essence of beauty.


 Every girls needs to discover their own form of escaping. Whether that for of escape is art, fitness, photography, or even just sitting in silence, it is a way for one to break free from the darkness of their own reality.

“Self Love”

“She’s as sweet as a pie and kinder than most. She’s happy and pretty, she doesn’t brag or boast. She’s smart and fun, she’s the smile of the sun. But she’ll never realize it. She’ll never know because she’s too busy hating… To busy hating all the greatest parts of herself.” -S.M. Pastore


Time heals all wounds, they say, but heartbreak is a wound deeper than most.

Emotions can range from profound sadness to intense anger to utter emptiness in the course of a single day, which is exhausting.

Having to face the person you loved can be excruciating and draining.

Crying yourself to sleep might even become part of your daily routine.

Most of the time, it seems impossible to find the strength to just let go and move on.

After all, how can you force your heart stop loving someone?


Sometimes, we just need someone to be there for us. Not to fix anything or do anything in particular, simply so that we can feel we are supported and cared for during the hard times.


 For my final entry in this series, I’ve decided to include myself and the current state that I am in. We as girls all go through trials and situations that may make us feel weak, down, or even out of our element. Whether that being patience, rebellion, how we view our bodies, finding our escapes, loving our selves, heartbreak, or craving support, in the end all we hope for and strive for the feeling of happiness.

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light”. 



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